Upcoming Global Conferences

HEDNA hosts two global distribution conferences each year. These engaging forums deliver the most comprehensive information, insights and dialogue on emerging trends in distribution while fostering collaboration, networking and professional development among attendees.

Over the course of three days, members hear from industry experts and participate in educational sessions that address the challenges and innovations in distribution. Networking opportunities are interspersed throughout the conference agendas to ensure attendees have time to connect with colleagues and cultivate long-lasting relationships and business development opportunities.


HEDNA’s webinars keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in hospitality distribution and payments.
Expanding the Open Payment Alliance
The Total Cost of Payments
Future-Proof: How is the Pandemic Redefining B2B Distribution in Hospitality
The Full Menu: Gathering Data and Optimizing Performance
Payments & the Importance of a Multi-Currency View
The Future State of Payments
Open Payment Alliance: An Industry Standard
Payment Planning for 2021
COVID-19 and Payments: The Contactless Customer Journey
President's Payment Roundtable
Staying Agile in 2020
Hotels vs. Vacation Rentals
Connectivity Attribute Model
Revenue Management: Industry Experts Roundtable on Strategy
COVID-19 Recovery: Key Payment Areas
COVID-19 Hospitality Impacts
Optimizing the Customer Journey
Use Cases for Right-Sizing B2B Cases
SCA – What's Going On Now? What's Next?
Content Best Practices: User-Generated Content
Distribution Analytics
HEDNA U 208: Payments
Latest Developments from the GDS

Global Meets Local

Our global network provides opportunities to make valuable connections with peers at the local level. Our industry-leading conferences facilitate networking and knowledge sharing. Our local networking events bring hospitality professionals together in an informal setting to further connect and collaborate.

HEDNA LA 2020 Connecting our Industry. Envisioning the Future.



HEDNA hosts two global distribution conferences each year. These engaging forums focus on information, insights and conversations on emerging trends in hospitality. Our lively discussions extend after hours, with social events where the conversation continues.


Our conferences offer opportunities to share your knowledge with your peers. As part of our HEDNA U education program, colleagues share their expertise with the community so that we all benefit from knowledge sharing.


Whether its career growth or business development, our conferences and events bring together our tight-knit community. We also encourage professional and business growth through a series of intimate local events.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

HEDNA’s Sponsorship Program offers high visibility packages focused on your target audience. Reach the hospitality industry’s top decision makers, key prospects, industry influencers from the largest hospitality brands, independent boutique hotels and leading partners. By supporting HEDNA as a sponsor, your company will get the visibility you need in front of current and potential customers.