Code of Conduct and Antitrust Statement

HEDNA is a 501(c)(6) Not for Profit Organization. Because a trade association is an organization of competitors, HEDNA members must take precautions to ensure that they do not engage in activities that can be interpreted as violating existing anti-trust or anti-competitive laws and/or agreements. For any activity that is deemed to unreasonably restrain trade, the Association and its members may be subject to civil and criminal legal penalties, regardless of otherwise beneficial objectives.

To ensure that all meetings and gatherings are conducted in strict compliance with any such laws and agreements, the HEDNA Code of Conduct is to be distributed and/or read aloud at all such gatherings.

There will be no discussion of room rates, surcharges, conditions, market share, terms or prices of services, allocating or sharing of customers, refusing to deal with a particular supplier or class of suppliers or other competitively sensitive topics. Neither serious nor flippant remarks will be permitted. Also, any publications or handouts containing such information shall not be distributed or made available to competitors.

Because the members of the organization are expected to behave professionally at all times, which includes acting in accordance with all applicable laws, negative, disparaging or discrediting comments regarding other members, corporations or competitors, or their goods or services, will not be tolerated.

HEDNA may not issue recommendations on any of the above subjects or distribute to its members any publications concerning such matters. No discussions that directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices may take place. Standards or certification requirements for membership must give equal conditions to all similar parties.

All HEDNA related meetings should be conducted in accordance with a previously prepared and distributed agenda. All HEDNA meeting agendas will contain standard elements, including (but not limited to):

  • Educating membership
  • Improving GDS and OTC functionality and technical progress
  • Improving the distribution of hotel products through electronic means.

Actions inconsistent with the above terms will be considered violations of this Code of Conduct. The Board of Directors reserves the right to take whatever actions it deems necessary to ensure compliance with this Code, or address a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Antitrust Statement: You are bound by the HEDNA Code of Conduct when participating in HEDNA activities. If you are not familiar with all aspects of the Code of Conduct, please reference the Code above. Members participating in HEDNA activities are expected to strictly abide by its terms. Note that participating in activities that violate antitrust laws subjects both members and individual representatives to severe legal penalties, regardless of whether the activity seemed to otherwise make “good business sense.”